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Jillian Chanel

I am a 31 year old artist out of Southwest Georgia. Been doing art for as long as I can remember, at least 6 years old. I grew up watching my brother and my mom be creative in so many different ways and they have truly inspired my journey. In 2019, with the help of my partner and Business Manger, Dorion Jaqui, we started my business: Artistic Black Unicorn. “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one," is a phrase that I live by. I always joke that I can do anything but juggle but I truly mean that. Outside of digital art, I am a crochet designer, a cosmetologist, I sing, do poetry and play a plethora of instruments. The arts are my peaceful place and I’m glad that I get to share that with you!
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