Mickey Mantle
By: Michael Ceraolo
When I first came up Casey said
I would be the greatest ever,
some combination of Ruth, DiMaggio, Cobb, etc.;
I didn't quite live up to that
Near the end of my life I joked
that if I had known I was going to live that long,
I would have taken better care of myself;
if I had I might have lived up to Casey's evaluation
You probably know that 'not taking care of myself
is a euphemism for abusing alcohol
I finally realized I had a problem
and spoke about it, warning others;
some people considered my doing so heroic
I don't know about that;
I had been called a hero for most of my life
If I was now at last a real hero,
I was a deeply flawed one:
definitely not a role model,
more of a cautionary tale
Michael Ceraolo is a 62-year-old retired firefighter/paramedic and active poet who has had two full-length books (Euclid Creek, from Deep Cleveland Press; 500 Cleveland Haiku, from Writing Knights Press) published, and has two more (Euclid Creek Book Two, from unbound content press; Lawyers, Guns, and Money, from Writing Knights Press) in the publication, Pipeline.